Vikaas S.

We put an offer on the home in Fresno and all was going well until the appraiser said we need to significantly repair or replace the roof before we close.

Under a time crunch due to 45-day escrow closing and my rate lock expiring in a month, I asked Jesse from Bland Company for help—Bland Company, along with HVAC systems, is a solar contractor and roofing contractors which are licensed and trained to take the house’s solar panels off and put them back on after replacing the roof.

Within just 3.5 weeks (in this economy), this roofing contractor moved heaven and Earth to meet my timeline, leaving me speechless at the excellent work they did. I’m sure I annoyed Jesse with my continuous requests for updates along the way, but he provided me with all the info I needed and was extremely professional while doing so.

It’s because of Bland that my wife and I overcame a seemingly insurmountable challenge to purchase our next 10+ -year home. I can’t thank them enough for the help, and I’d recommend Bland Company to anyone from Fresno and Merced to Bakersfield, to the Central Coast in Atascadero, where they are also located.

Choose Bland Company for HVAC, solar installation, and roofing! You won’t regret it.